Easter at Canyon Church
MARCH 2 - APRIL 27 - Sermon Series “ Jesus Is…” - Join us each Sunday in March and April at 10:30 AM for our worship service as we learn about what Jesus actually said about Himself and who He is.
APRIL 13-18 - “Come to the Garden” Easter Prayer Walk - Stop by anytime during this week and take a guided prayer walk around our church buildings, with several places to stop and read about events during the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday, along with inspirational thoughts to help guide your prayer time.
APRIL 16 - “Come to the Garden” Communion Service - Join us at 6:00 PM in our auditorium for a special worship time and dramatic communion service, all in a rustic setting within a tent, as we remember the Last Supper that occurred in the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday.
APRIL 20 - “Sunrise Worship Service” at 7:00 AM at Tramonto Park, 35425 N 32nd Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85086. Click here for driving directions.
APRIL 20 - “Easter Worship Service” at 10:30 AM in the auditorium. Join us as we celebrate resurrection Sunday!